PhD Dissertations - Department of Sculpture and Plastic Arts History (Sculpture)
Doctoral Student: D. Manuel Pablo Rosado Garcés
Directors: D. Olegario Martín Sánchez and D. Fernando Martín Martín
Date: 25/01/2016
Doctoral Student: D. Miguel P. Rosado Garcés
Directors: D. Olegario Martín Sánchez and D. Fernando Martín Martín
Date: 11/12/2015
Title: The Ancestral Colombian Smelting: a material of technical and artistic procedures in the goldsmithing Votiva Muisca.
Doctoral Student: Dª Vilma Graciela Martínez Rivera
Director: D. Olegario Martín Sánchez
Date: 10/07/2015
Title: Automatic casting systems. New procedures in the artistic smelting.
Doctoral Student: Dª Rocío Reina Castro
Director: D. Olegario Martín Sánchez
Date: 21/07/2014
Title: Antonio León Ortega: an imagery conceived as sculpture.
Doctoral Student: D. Alberto Germán Franco Romero
Directors: Dr. D. Juan Manuel Miñarro López and Dr. D. Guillermo Martínez Salazar
Date: 07/06/2013
Title: Sculptural monuments in Badajoz. Sculpture exempt from the public order.
Doctoral Student: D. Rodrigo Espada Belmonte
Directors: D. Rafael Spínola Romero and D. Carlos Spínola Romero
Date: 07/11/2010
Title: Sculpture systems in the contemporary city: technological, symbolic and virtual codes.
Doctoral Student: D. Juan José Jiménez López
Directors: D. Miguel Ángel Jiménez Mateos and Dª. Raquel Barrionuevo Pérez
Date: 03/09/2010
Doctoral Student: D. Jesús Manuel Vega Santos
Directors: D. Juan Manuel Miñarro López
Date: 08/04/2010
Title: Metal as renewing element of sculpture during the 19th Century. Precedents, techniques and procedures. Sevillian goldsmithing as a bridge to new resources.
Doctoral Student: D. Guillermo Martínez Salazar
Directors: D. Miguel Fuentes del Olmo and D. Alfonso Pleguezuelo Hernández
Date: 21/12/2009
Title: The artistic heritage of the colonising settlements at the basin of Guadalquivir (1936-1973)
Doctoral Student: D. Rodrigo Espada Belmonte
Directors: D. Rafael Spínola Romero and D. Carlos Spínola Romero
Date: 07/11/2010
Title: Unusual stones from the Province of Huelva in Sculpture: Plastics and Expressive Possibilities.
Doctoral Student: D. Manuel Moreno Espina
Directors: D. Miguel Fuentes del Olmo and Olegario Martín Sánchez
Date: 24/06/2004
Title: Artistic Anatomy: Anatomic Basis of the Realistic Sculptural Portrait.
Doctoral Student: D. Miguel Ángel Jiménez Mateos
Directors: D. Sebastián Santos Calero and Jesús Ambrosiani Fernández
Date: 21/09/1999
Doctoral Student: Dª Belén León-Río
Director: D. Pedro José González Díaz
Date: 10/07/1996
Doctoral Student: D. Millán García Toral
Director: D. Juan Manuel Miñarro López
Date: 16/11/1992
Title: Concept and technique of stone carving.
Doctoral Student: D. Olegario Martín Sánchez
Director: D. Carmen Jiménez Serrano
Date: 01/10/1990