Martínez Salazar, Guillermo
GUILLERMO MARTÍNEZ SALAZAR Department of Sculpture and History of Plastic Art.
He creates his activity within the sculpture sphere and the application of chromatic treatments about the sculptural volume.
His research is developed with the participation in different research groups. Group ARTANA HUM552, with the study of artistic anatomy. Research group HUM184 sculptural techniques, working from different ways of creation and configuration of the plastic work linked to sculpture. From an international level, he is inscribed as a researcher of the research team of "Secção de Genealogia, Heráldica e Falerística del Centro de Pesquisas e Estudios Sociais". Facultade de Ciencias Sociais. Universidade Lusofona of Lisboa.
He has taught in the "Licenciatura", Bachelor and Master.
- "Iniciación al Modelado".
- "Técnicas de reproducción en escultura".
- "Modelado".
- "Modelado y Composición".
- "Imaginería polícroma".
- "Procedimientos escultóricos".
- "Fundamentos de la escultura I y II".
- "Escultura polícroma".
- "Valores educativos del patrimonio y las Bellas Artes".
Currently, he is the coordinator of the 4th year of the Bachelor of Fine Arts.