Welcome to foreign students - Bienvenida a estudiantes extranjeros

Estudiar en la US como alumno de intercambio

Si estás interesado en venir a nuestra Universidad visita este enlace: Estudiar en la US 

Con objeto de solicitar el debido reconocimiento académico en tu universidad de origen, puedes hacerlo a través de las siguientes vías:

  • Convenios:

podrás cursar parte de tus estudios oficiales en cualquiera de los Centros de la Universidad de Sevilla con acreditación de calificaciones al final del periodo, o bien un periodo de investigación/pasantía en un Departamento, siempre que exista un convenio firmado entre ambas universidades en el que se contemple la posibilidad de realizar intercambios de estudiantes.
Más información

  • Programa Erasmus:

te permite realizar un periodo de estudios o de prácticas de entre 3 y 12 meses en la Universidad de Sevilla, siempre que exista un Acuerdo Bilateral Erasmus previamente establecido entre ambas universidades y hayas sido seleccionado por tu universidad de origen para ocupar una de las plazas incluidas en dicho Acuerdo. Por tanto, la Universidad de Sevilla no admite alumnos Erasmus Free Movers.
Más información

Para más información personalizada: http://www.internacional.us.es/es/contacta-nosotros

Studying at the University of Seville as an exchange student

MORE INFORMATION: Studying at the University of Seville

The following pathways enable students to gain due academic recognition in their home institution for studies completed at the University of Seville:

  • Specific Agreements: The University of Seville has signed many agreements with other universities that allow foreign students to carry out a period of study, training or internship, upon completion of which they shall receive the corresponding academic transcripts.

More information

  • Erasmus Programs: Students may carry out a period of study or internship of between 3 and 12 months at the University of Seville as long a Bilateral Erasmus Agreement has already been established between both universities and you have been selected by your home university to occupy one of the available agreed places. In light of this the University of Seville does not admit Erasmus Free Movers.

More information

The University of Seville is one of the oldest and more prestigious Universities of Spain.
The International Office provides useful information about your chances of studying with us. They support international students with local information, program details, etc. Contact them for personal attention http://www.internacional.us.es/en/contacta-nosotros


La información en español para alumnos extranjeros (Erasmus) que vienen a Sevilla (Aplicación on-line de inscripción, selección de asignaturas, documentación, plazos, etc.) está disponible en la web:


Hay más información en el PDF disponible en esta web y en el enlace:



University of Seville - Universidad de Sevilla

Erasmus Central Office (Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales y Cooperación al Desarrollo)

Avenida Ciudad Jardín, 20-22

41005 Sevilla. Spain


Fine Arts Faculty - Facultad de Bellas Artes

Calle Laraña 3

41003 Sevilla (Spain)

Socrates/Erasmus Code: E SEVILLA 01 



Contact person: Vicedecano de Relaciones Internacionales/Vice Dean of International Relations (Head of International Relations)

Telephone: +34 954 486 490

Telephone with country code: +34 954 487 755 (Secretary)

Fax with country code: +34 954 487 763


for Erasmus program: erasmussicuebbaa@us.es




The academic year duration goes from September to June.

The specialities that are organized in three Departments, are:

  • Painting (included Restoration & Conservation  of Cultural Heritage)
  • Sculpture and Art History
  • Drawing (included Graphic Design)

All the Departments have research groups, you can find the detail in the web, they can offer you different possibilities for your ph-studies. Agreements for exchange of students and teachers should be signed by the Rector of the University of Seville, you can submit proposals to the Vice Dean of International Relations (Vicedecano de Relaciones Internacionales) in the mail internacionalbbaa@us.es.

Next year we start the fourth year of the new studies plans, but does not support supported Erasmus students in the first year:

Both are adapted to the European Space for Higher Education and organized in ECTS credits, where you can find quarterly subjects and therefore the possibility to receive new students just for one semester (from September to January the first one, and from February to May the second one).

Required language knowledge

Although there are teachers and students who speak English, the classes are taught only in Spanish.

Spanish (1st level). The University of Seville offers free courses of Spanish language in both semesters. Information about inscription and level test will be given at the welcome office. The Spaninsh course and the other languages courses worth 4,5 ECTS. Web site of the school of languages “Instituto de Idiomas”: http://institutodeidiomas.us.es

Evaluation marks

Our evaluation marks goes from 0 to 10:

  • Sobresaliente, Excellent: from 9 to 10
  • and Matrícula de Honor: 10 (only 1 each 20 students in each group)
  • Notable, Very good: from 7 to 8,99
  • Aprobado, Pass: from 5 to 6,99
  • Suspenso, Fail: from 0 to 4,99
  • No presentado, Missing: NP

Vivir en Sevilla/Living in Seville

Aquí podrás encontrar información práctica para planificar tu estancia en la Universidad de Sevilla:


Most students in Seville share a flat with other students. Normally they look for accommodation once they have arrived to Seville. At the welcome office you will find a group of Erasmus assistants to assist international students in finding accommodation. Information for your stay at the University of Seville, especially useful if this is the first time you are visiting Seville: http://www.internacional.us.es/en/living-seville
Accomodation possibilities
The S.A.C.U. Office (Student Services of the University of Seville) provides information and advice about the different types of accommodation available: http://www.sacu.us.es
•    Halls of Residence (Colegios Mayores de Residencias Universitarias)
•    Renting a flat
•    Sharing a flat
•    Lodging with a family
•    Living with the elderly, disabled, or single-parents.
Phone: + 34 954486014
Approximate costs of living
Housing: 180-350 Euro/month/room